导演:Wayne Walsh,Sean Blacknell
演员:Stuart Armstrong,Peter Cochrane,Joanna Cook
更新时间:2024-07-22 03:27
《未来的工作与死亡》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳纪录片。《未来的工作与死亡》往往可以变成在今年的电影中用户评价有名的电影,直接原因是《未来的工作与死亡》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人Stuart Armstrong,Peter Cochrane,Joanna Cook的呈现、Wayne Walsh,Sean Blacknell拍摄技巧,或是电影情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:3.0分其实也很正常。《未来的工作与死亡》的艺人Stuart Armstrong,Peter Cochrane,Joanna Cook尽管说不是非常有名,但是Stuart Armstrong,Peter Cochrane,Joanna Cook的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演Stuart Armstrong,Peter Cochrane,Joanna Cook的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部纪录片。
The Future of Work and Death is a documentary concerning the growth of exponential technology and where it is taking us. The film focuses on how future technology could significantly change the two inevitable features of the human experience; punching the clock and fading away. It explores how advanced automation, AI and technological singularity could be achievable in the next 30 years. How job obsolescence and technological unemployment could consequently occur and how digital immortality may not be a thing of science fiction. But what are the socio-political repercussions of these innovations and are we ready for them? Does working less mean living more and is ending ageing incumbent on us? Worldwide experts in the fields of futurology, anthropology, neuroscience and philosophy share their thoughts on these future advancements.
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