Fourteen-year-old Farha dreams of attending school in the city with her best friend Farida, but she knows that, as the daughter of the mukhtar (the head of the village, played by Ashraf Barhom), she is in for an uphill battle against tradition. Girls Farha’s age are expected to marry.
  It’s 1948, and British control over Palestine is coming to an end. What Farha and her father do not yet know is that forced displacements are already happening across the region. When Israeli bombs reach their village, Farha’s father locks her in the cellar of their home, promising to return as soon as he can. While Farha waits and watches through the cracks, the village she was so excited to leave is transformed to ruin, threatening an end to the future she had planned and leaving only trace memories in its wake.
  A dauntless and compelling feature debut by Jordanian filmmaker Darin J. Sallam, Farha captures both the isolating terrors of war and the lingering beauty that can colour recollections of dispossession — a mental record of the last laugh shared, the faint smell of freedom before the void of exile. An impressive lead performance from newcomer Karam Taher punctuates catastrophic loss with uncompromising determination.
  In this remarkable and devastating story, Sallam’s resonant directorial voice presents a penetrating perspective on the Nakba and returns the gaze to a cultural legacy in the midst of a global resurgence.

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  • 正在播放:少女法哈【影视解说】-HD
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9.0分 / 电影解说 / 约旦,瑞典 / 2022







导演:Darin J. Sallam

演员:Karam Taher,阿什拉夫·巴姆,阿里·苏莱曼,Tala Gammoh,Sameera Asir,Majd Eid,Firas Taybeh,Samuel Kaczorowski,Sultan Alkhail,Batoul Ibrahim,Leanne Katkhuda,Mostafa Baker,Salma Fakhoury,Sief Ghanem,Hind Hamed,Qais Harb

更新时间:2024-07-22 19:07


《少女法哈【影视解说】》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳电影解说。《少女法哈【影视解说】》往往可以变成在今年的电影中用户评价有名的电影,直接原因是《少女法哈【影视解说】》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人Karam Taher,阿什拉夫·巴姆,阿里·苏莱曼,Tala Gammoh,Sameera Asir,Majd Eid,Firas Taybeh,Samuel Kaczorowski,Sultan Alkhail,Batoul Ibrahim,Leanne Katkhuda,Mostafa Baker,Salma Fakhoury,Sief Ghanem,Hind Hamed,Qais Harb的呈现、Darin J. Sallam拍摄技巧,或是电影情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:9.0分其实也很正常。《少女法哈【影视解说】》的艺人Karam Taher,阿什拉夫·巴姆,阿里·苏莱曼,Tala Gammoh,Sameera Asir,Majd Eid,Firas Taybeh,Samuel Kaczorowski,Sultan Alkhail,Batoul Ibrahim,Leanne Katkhuda,Mostafa Baker,Salma Fakhoury,Sief Ghanem,Hind Hamed,Qais Harb尽管说不是非常有名,但是Karam Taher,阿什拉夫·巴姆,阿里·苏莱曼,Tala Gammoh,Sameera Asir,Majd Eid,Firas Taybeh,Samuel Kaczorowski,Sultan Alkhail,Batoul Ibrahim,Leanne Katkhuda,Mostafa Baker,Salma Fakhoury,Sief Ghanem,Hind Hamed,Qais Harb的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演Karam Taher,阿什拉夫·巴姆,阿里·苏莱曼,Tala Gammoh,Sameera Asir,Majd Eid,Firas Taybeh,Samuel Kaczorowski,Sultan Alkhail,Batoul Ibrahim,Leanne Katkhuda,Mostafa Baker,Salma Fakhoury,Sief Ghanem,Hind Hamed,Qais Harb的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部电影解说。


Fourteen-year-old Farha dreams of attending school in the city with her best friend Farida, but she knows that, as the daughter of the mukhtar (the head of the village, played by Ashraf Barhom), she is in for an uphill battle against tradition. Girls Farha’s age are expected to marry.
  It’s 1948, and British control over Palestine is coming to an end. What Farha and her father do not yet know is that forced displacements are already happening across the region. When Israeli bombs reach their village, Farha’s father locks her in the cellar of their home, promising to return as soon as he can. While Farha waits and watches through the cracks, the village she was so excited to leave is transformed to ruin, threatening an end to the future she had planned and leaving only trace memories in its wake.
  A dauntless and compelling feature debut by Jordanian filmmaker Darin J. Sallam, Farha captures both the isolating terrors of war and the lingering beauty that can colour recollections of dispossession — a mental record of the last laugh shared, the faint smell of freedom before the void of exile. An impressive lead performance from newcomer Karam Taher punctuates catastrophic loss with uncompromising determination.
  In this remarkable and devastating story, Sallam’s resonant directorial voice presents a penetrating perspective on the Nakba and returns the gaze to a cultural legacy in the midst of a global resurgence.


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